Remember Diagnosis to Support 62311 Post-Op

Question: Our state’s Medicaid carrier denies our claims when we submit 62311 with modifier 59 for postoperative pain management. They say the 62311 is bundled with the anesthesia procedure code. How should we handle this?  -Ohio Subscriber Answer: ...

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Watch Changes to EEG, Joint Injection Guidelines

You report several EEG codes such as 95812 (Electroencephalogram [EEG] extended monitoring; 41-60 minutes) and 95813 (… greater than 1 hour) based on the amount of recording time. But what constitutes recording time?

Jeffrey Cozzens, MD, professor and chair of the neurosurgery division of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and a presenter at the AMA’s CPT and RBRVS 2011 Annual Symposium in Chicago, addressed the issue during his presentation about neurosurgery and neurology changes for 2011. Keep two things in mind when calculating recording time for these EEGs:

  • Recording time is when the recording is underway and the healthcare provider is collecting data.
  • Recording time excludes set-up and take-down time.

Other EEG codes, however, focus on the amount of physician time rather than recording time. Watch for that specificity in guidelines for 95961 (Functional cortical and subcortical mapping by stimulation and/or recording of electrodes or brain surface, or of depth electrodes, to provoke seizures or identify vital brain structures; initial hour of physician attendance) and +95962 (… each additional hour of physician attendance [List separately in addition to code for primary procedure). If the physician is in attendance for a total of 30 minutes or less, only report 95961 and append modifier 52 (Reduced services) to indicate he didn’t fulfill the full hour represented by the code.

Two codes for special EEG tests now specify who attends during the procedure:

  • 95953 -- Monitoring for localization of cerebral seizure focus by computerized portable 16 or more channel EEG, electroencephalographic (EEG) recording and interpretation, each 24 hours, unattended
  • 95956 -- Monitoring for localization of cerebral seizure focus by cable or radio, 16 or more channel telemetry, electroencephalographic (EEG) recording and interpretation, each 24 hours, attended by a technologist or nurse.

According to information on the...

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Hip Injection With Fluoro — Is Coding Both Allowed?

You have two options depending on how the physician performed the procedure.

Question: Our orthopedist administered a hip injection under fluoroscopy. Can I report both codes?

Wyoming Subscriber

Answer: You can code both the injection and fluoroscopy, but the correct choices depend on how your physician completed the procedure.

Option 1: If your orthopedist injected radiopaque dye and performed the arthrography concurrently, code the procedure with 27093 (Injection procedure for hip arthrography; without anesthesia).

Option 2: If he completed the guidance and injection as separate procedures, submit 20610 (Arthrocentesis, aspiration, and/or injection; major joint or bursa [e.g., shoulder, hip, knee joint, subacromial bursa]) for the injection. Include 77002 (Fluoroscopic guidance for needle placement [e.g., biopsy, aspiration, injection, localization device]) for the fluoroscopic guidance.

Remember to append modifier 26 (Professional component) to 77002 because your physician performed the service but doesn’t own the fluoroscopy equipment.

SI change: If the physician injects the sacroiliac joint instead of the hip joint, choose either 20610 (Arthrocentesis, aspiration, and/or injection; major joint or bursa [e.g., shoulder, hip, knee joint, subacromial bursa]) or 27096 (Injection procedure for sacroiliac joint, arthrography and/or anesthetic/steroid).

Orthopedic Coding Alert. Editor: Leigh DeLozier, CPC

Sign up for the upcoming live audio conference, Coding Tips for Hip Procedures, or order the CD/transcripts.

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Radiology Medical Coders – Tighten Up Your LAP-BAND Coding

If your radiologist performs adjustments during the bariatric surgery’s global period, do this.

Question: Our radiologists perform percutaneous LAP-BAND adjustments. We report S2083 for the service and 77002 for the fluoroscopy. Is this the correct fluoroscopy code?

Connecticut Subscriber


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Pain Management: 2 Providers, 2 Postop Pain Injections

Double 76942 OK for second provider? Question: Two providers from the same physician group performed two separate postoperative pain injections on the same patient, on the same day. Each provider used ultrasonic guidance during the procedure, but I’ve been told to report 76942 only once per day. How should we report both services? Answer: You can bill [...] Related articles:

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