Ob-gyn Coding: Clue In To These CCI Edits Before You Choose 0193T

Overlooking these new Interstim and hemorrhoid destruction bundles could mean denial headaches.

Don’t let CCI version 16.1’s lack of ob-gyn mutually exclusive edits lull you into a false sense of security. Here’s what you need to know to prevent a denial from landing on your desk.

Payers like Noridian Part B will cover the female stress urinary incontinence treatment code 0193T, but before you submit a 0193T claim, you’ll have to check with the Correct Coding Iniative (CCI) version 16.1’s edits. For instance, as of April 1, the work represented by 0193T will include that of cystourethroscopy codes 52000-52001 and 52281.

1. Look For 0193T in Both the Column 1, Column 2 Position

In 2009, CPT added 0193T (Transurethral, radiofrequency micro-remodeling of the female bladder neck and proximal urethra for stress urinary incontinence) to your possible stress urinary incontinence (SUI) treatment coding options. This code includes the Renessa transurethral collagen radiofrequency denaturation procedure. Ob-gyns typically perform this nonsurgical, minimally invasive alternative for women who have failed other nonsurgical treatments or who aren’t good candidates for surgery.

What happens: The ob-gyn uses controlled heat at low temperatures and targets tissue in the woman’s lower urinary tract. The heat changes the structure of the patient’s natural tissue collagen. This helps the firmness of tissue and improves her continence. Although the ob-gyn may use heat on multiple sites and document multiple cycles, you should report 0193T once to represent all the treatment cycles performed during an encounter.

As of April 1, 0193T will include the work represented by 52000-52001 (Cystourethroscopy …) and 52281 (Cystourethroscopy, with calibration and/or dilation of urethral stricture or stenosis, with or without meatotomy, with or without injection procedure for cystography, male or female).

Reaction: “These edits don’t surprise me at all because 0193T says ‘transurethral’ which implies the...

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Anesthesia Coding: Find the Missing EGD Reimbursement Link

Warning: Just including EGD diagnosis with your claim doesn’t guarantee reimbursement — here’s help.

Question: Our anesthesiologist provided anesthesia during an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) procedure, at the request of the attending physician. We coded the anesthesia portion with 00810. A note in the documentation mentions the request was due to the patient’s symptoms, but no other details were provided. The claim we submitted was denied, but we followed all of the other guidelines provided by the payer, including proof that the anesthesiologist administered Propofol. What did we do wrong?

Answer: One key to the denial might be found in the lack of coding for the patient’s condition. Your diagnosis code should indicate the co-existing medical condition that justifies your anesthesiologist’s involvement in the case, not the gastrointestinal condition leading to the endoscopy.

You may want to consult with your anesthesiologist to verify that the patient had a condition such as:

  • Parkinson’s disease (332.0)
  • Heart conditions (such as 410.xx, Acute myocardial infarction or 427.41, Ventricular fibrillation)
  • Mental retardation (318.x)
  • Seizure disorders (such as 780.39, Other convulsions)
  • Anxiety (such as 300.0x, Anxiety states)
  • Pregnancy
  • History of drug or alcohol abuse.

These are just some of the conditions that payers may require to justify the presence of an anesthesiologist at a colonoscopy. ICD-9 2010 also has two codes to describe failed sedation attempts: 995.24 (Failed moderate sedation during procedure) and V15.80 (Personal history of failed moderate sedation).

If your anesthesiologist’s documentation confirms one of these conditions, 995.24 or V15.80 would also justify an anesthesiologist’s involvement to most payers. The conditions listed above constitute the medical necessity of anesthesia with the procedure. If you used a screening diagnosis or treatment of commonly found conditions instead of the clinical condition requiring anesthesia, payers will not pay you for these services.

Also note the...

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Lawsuit Pushes Red Flags Rule Back — Again

Amidst an AMA lawsuit, the FTC appears to take a wait-and-see approach.

After a year’s worth of extensions of the Red Flags Rule, medical practices were ready to buckle down and ensure that their plans were in place, because the rule was set to take effect on June 1.

However, just days shy of that deadline, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it would be delaying enforcement until Dec. 31, 2010, “at the request of several Members of Congress,” according to a May 28 FTC news release.

Under the Red Flags Rule, “certain businesses and organizations — including many doctor’s offices, hospitals, and other health care providers — are required to spot and heed the red flags that often can be the telltale signs of identity theft,” according to an article on the Federal Trade Commission’s Web site.

To comply with the Red Flags Rule, covered entities are expected to create a written red flags program to prevent and detect potential identity theft cases.

According to the FTC, the rule applies to businesses that qualify as creditors or financial institutions, and the FTC’s broad definition indicates that it applies to many medical practices. “Health care providers are creditors if they bill consumers after their services are completed,” the FTC Web site says. “Health care providers that accept insurance are considered creditors if the consumer ultimately is responsible for the medical fees.”

However, simply “accepting credit cards as a form of payment does not make you a creditor under the rule.”

Congress requested the delay in part to “pass legislation that will resolve any questions as to which entities are covered by the Rule,” the FTC press release indicated. “Congress needs to fix the unintended consequences of the legislation establishing the Red Flags Rule — and to...

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