ICD-11 Implementation Delayed Two Years to 2017, WHO Says


icd-11-book-coverOn Tuesday, the World Health Organization released a fact sheet noting that the final version of ICD-11 will be released in 2017, two years later than scheduled, Becker’s Hospital Review reports (Gregg, Becker’s Hospital Review, 2/5).


U.S. health care organizations are working to transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets to accommodate codes for new diseases and procedures. The switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10 code sets means that health care providers and insurers will have to change out about 14,000 codes for about 69,000 codes.

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In August 2012, HHS released a final rule that officially delayed the ICD-10 compliance date from Oct. 1, 2013, to Oct. 1, 2014, partially to look at the incremental changes needed in reforming health care (iHealthBeat, 2/6).

Development of ICD-11 began in April 2007 and originally was scheduled to be implemented by 2012.

The rollout then was delayed until 2015 (Walsh, Clinical Innovation & Technology, 2/4).

Details of New Delay

According to FierceHealthIT, the agency had been considering for several months delaying ICD-11 implementation (Bowman, FierceHealthIT, 2/4).

Although no official announcement has been made, the WHO fact sheet states that “the 11th revision process is underway and the final ICD-11 will be released in 2017” (Clinical Innovation & Technology, 2/4).

Meanwhile, a notice posted on WHO’s classifications page also notes that ICD’s 11th stage is due by 2017 (FierceHealthIT, 2/4).

According to Clinical Innovation & Technology, delaying the IDC-11 rollout “seems appropriate,” as several surveys and reports have found that health care providers are lagging behind in their preparations for the transition to ICD-10 codes (Clinical Innovation & Technology, 2/4).


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Originally published on: iHealthBeat

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