CMS Defines “Reasonable and Necessary” Medicare Coverage
CMS has codified how it defines “reasonable and necessary” coverage for items and services that may be covered under Medicare Parts A and B in a new final rule. The…
CMS has codified how it defines “reasonable and necessary” coverage for items and services that may be covered under Medicare Parts A and B in a new final rule. The…
Is this “new normal” a false reality? As we are now well into October, many months into COVID-19, I think we all have to look at what all the associated…
Provider groups are concerned that some proposals in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rule for 2021 would exacerbate the financial challenges physicians are already facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, including…
Claims eligible for the 20 percent add-on payment for COVID-19 hospitalizations will now have to have a positive laboratory test documented in the patient’s medical record, according to recent Medicare…
Medicare outpatient payments are slated to increase by 2.6 percent next year, a $7.5 billion boost compared to 2020, according the proposed 2021 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) rule. Released…
Minorities have been found to be disproportionately affected by adverse outcomes. Federal officials say their first monthly statistical update illustrating the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the Medicare population…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has provided some guidance within the “Medicare and Medicaid Programs Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”…
Health disparities proven by Medicare claims data during the COVID-19 crisis underscore the need to transition to value-based reimbursement, according to CMS. Yesterday, the federal agency announced COVID-19 outcomes based…
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it is reevaluating the amounts that will be paid under its Accelerated Payment Program and suspending its Advance Payment…
CMS’s IMM sends mixed messages to providers. The Important Message from Medicare (IMM) has changed significantly in its latest reiteration, and the IMM now must be presented to both Medicare…
Among the proposed new rules is one intended to clarify the contentious “Stark Law.” On Oct. 9, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule to…
At the beginning of November, CMS finalized changes to its Medicare payment systems for 2020. Here's a rundown of noteworthy changes CMS made: 1. Included a site-neutral payment policy and…
The American Hospital Association (AHA) questioned the legality of site-neutral and 340B payment policies in the Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS), arguing the proposals would “have a chilling effect on…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule on September 5, 2019, intended to address program integrity and vulnerability issues. The Office of the Inspector General…
The announcement is all but ensured to trouble providers already concerned about overreach. Federal healthcare oversight authorities have announced that they are expanding their “revocation and denial authorities” in an…
The case continues even after two suicides. When does an audit go beyond the reasonable and become persecution? An act of tyranny by claim denial and extrapolation? Vernon Partners LLC…