CMS Makes Key Changes to ABN Modifiers

We’ve got the new instructions you’ll need to follow. CMS will update the ABN modifiers effective April 1, according to MLN Matters article MM6563, dated Oct. 29. The ABN descriptors will read as follows: Modifier GA — Revised to read, “Waiver of liability statement issued as required by payer policy.” You’ll use this when a required ABN was issued. Modifier GX — [...] Related articles:

  1. CIGNA Opens Black Box: Get Paid With Modifiers 25 & 59 You now have clear-cut policies to apply, including 1...
  2. Still Using the Old ABN, NEMB Forms? Stop Now Surprise! Here’s when the new form puts you on...
  3. Got Multiple Modifiers? How To Sequence Them on the Claim Coders like to say that modifiers help them tell...

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HCPCS 2010: CMS Debuts New J Codes

Synvisc, penicillin get new codes — along with injectibles for neurology, bleeding. Hot on the heels of the new CPT codes, CMS follows suit by publishing the 2010 HCPCS code set, posted on the CMS Web site on Nov. 3. You’ll find scores of changes. What follows is a small sampling of what you’ll face in 2010: Synvisc: HCPCS will [...] Related articles:

  1. Which HCPCS Code Should I Use for Eovist MRI contrast? Question: Which HCPCS code should I use to report...
  2. 2 New HCPCS Codes for H1N1 Vaccine AdministrationPlus: New Bevacizumab code is effective Oct. 1. If you’re...
  3. 2010 CPT Category II & III Codes You Might Miss Yes, our CPT books are fountains of knowledge, but...

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Infusion Coding Education: Remicade

Coding Hint: Watch for ‘add-ons’ during Remicade sessions Question: An established patient with a plan of care in place for his Crohn’s disease of the ileum reports to the gastroenterologist for a Remicade infusion. The infusion started at 10:00 a.m. and ended at 11:42. The patient reported nausea during the infusion, so the gastroenterologist administered 200 mg of Benadryl from 10:41 [...] Related articles:

  1. Oncology Coding Challenge: When Infusion Runs Long Question: The oncologist ordered a 90-minute chemotherapy infusion service,...
  2. CODING CHALLENGE: Is V58.11 Right for Patient Not on Chemo? Question: When you use a chemo admin code for...
  3. Gastroenterology Coding Education: Bravo Cap Placements Question: A new patient reports to the gastroenterologist with complaints...

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Coder’s Navigation Tool: 2010 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

It’s that time of year coders — yes, time to comb through pages and pages and pages of the final 2010 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. We’ve got a handy place to start. If you want a quick overview of fee schedule’s financial impact on your physician practice’s specialty, go here and scroll to page 1171. There, [...] Related articles:

  1. Proposed 2010 Physician Fee Schedule: A Closer Look21.5 percent cut looms for your services Last week, Coding...
  2. How Obama’s Medicare Cuts Hit Physician Reimbursement  The budget released Thursday suggests we cut $300 billion from...
  3. CMS Issues Corrections to 2009 Physician Fee Schedule Final RuleIt’s that time of year again — time to get...

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Cardiology Coding Question: Separate Reporting for 37204

Question: Should I separately report right and left bronchial artery embolization? Answer: You should report 37204 (Transcatheter occlusion or embolization [e.g., for tumor destruction, to achieve hemostasis, to occlude a vascular malformation], percutaneous, any method, non-central nervous system, non-head or neck) twice for right and left lung embolization at the same encounter. In addition, if the cardiologist [...] Related articles:

  1. Cardiology Coding Education: Pacemaker Lead Check Question: The cardiologist documented testing pacemaker leads using fluoroscopy...
  2. 2 New 2010 CPT Codes for High-Tech Cardiology ServicesSteer clear of Cat. I codes for intravascular spectroscopy — here’s...
  3. OB or Not OB: That’s the Ultrasound Coding QuestionQuestion: For an ultrasound, the radiologist documented measurements of the uterus,...

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2 New 2010 CPT Codes for High-Tech Cardiology Services

Steer clear of Cat. I codes for intravascular spectroscopy — here’s where to look instead. The CPT update season is fast approaching. Warm up for the changes coming your way with a look at new-for-2010 Category III codes aimed at diagnosing coronary artery disease. Match 0206T to MCG One of the new Category III codes with a Jan. 1 [...] Related articles:

  1. Cardiology ICD-9 for 2010: All-New Embolism Codes & More A 453.x facelift will require you to hunt for...
  2. Cardiology CPT 2009 Crash Course: Device Monitoring Our programming eval guide can put your 93279-93285 fears...
  3. New CPT Codes for Cardiac CT, Imaging Appear for 2010Plus: Say goodbye to two perfusion codes. If you’ve ever...

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CPT 2010 Update: Non-Face-to-Face Prolonged Services

New Year’s hats & horns for looser guidelines that let you count work spread over days. Groaning thinking of all the time you’ll never capture for complex cases requiring extensive pre-visit time? CPT 2010 brings you hope. Extensive guideline revisions “liberalize prolonged non-face-to-face services codes,” reports Richard Tuck, MD, FAAP, pediatrician at PrimeCare of Southeastern Ohio in [...] Related articles:

  1. Asthma Attack Coding: When To Use Prolonged or High-Level E/M     Checklist deters payback requests for insufficient +99354...
  2. Bust 4 Myths About Pediatric Critical Care Services MYTHBUSTER: Codes 99291, +99292 apply to infants, young pediatric...
  3. Watch Out for 3 Telephone Service Coding PitfallsCaution: You may need to incorporate the call into an...

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Capture Separate CV Access Radiological Guidance

Don’t miss out on $20 per procedure when your surgeon performs central venous (CV) access device placements. If your physician uses fluoroscopic or ultrasonic guidance during the placement, you should separately report that service. We’ll show you how and tell you what modifier moves you need to make to prevent denials. Choose Between +76937 and +77001 If your [...] Related articles:

  1. Focus on Method to Ensure Proper Stereotactic Breast Biopsy CodingWatch out for the 77031 pitfall if the radiologist participates...
  2. Plantar Digital Nerve Coding Education: 64455 & 64632With these 4 tips, you’ll code clean claims every time....
  3. Cardiology Coding Question: Separate Reporting for 37204Question: Should I separately report right and left bronchial artery...

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Eye Surgery Coding Challenge: Denials for 15823 & 67904

Question: I started receiving denials for 15823 and 67904. To report this combo, should I use a modifier? Answer: If the ophthalmologist performs the blepharoplasty (bleph) with excessive weight (15823, Blepharoplasty, upper eyelid; with excessive skin weighting down lid) on one eye and the blepharoptosis (ptosis) repair (67904, Repair of blepharoptosis; [tarso] levator resection or advancement, [...] Related articles:

  1. Spinal Surgery Coding Challenge: Is Hemilaminectomy Bundled With Fusion?Question: Our orthopedic surgeon turned in a note that says,...
  2. Avoid This Blepharoplasty Coding Blunder  Don’t settle for denials for a functional surgery that...
  3. Spinal Surgery Coding Challenge: Tethered Cord Release & Dural Tag RemovalQuestion: My neurosurgeon released a tethered cord under the microscope,...

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Track Payer’s Preferred H1N1 Admin Code — or Risk Rejections

Code 488.1 does not = confirmed lab. Swine flu has made an early arrival in several states and in your 2009 preventive and sick coding. To avoid denials for H1N1 vaccination administration, you’re going to have to check which of three administration code options your major payers want. “Some payers want you to use the new [...] Related articles:

  1. 2 New HCPCS Codes for H1N1 Vaccine AdministrationPlus: New Bevacizumab code is effective Oct. 1. If you’re...
  2. Correct ICD-9 Coding for H1N1 (Swine Flu) Before you carry your swine flu diagnosis over to...
  3. Capture Vaccine Admin Without Charging Products These VFC FAQs help you report the seemingly impossible....

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Big Insurers Underspend On Medical Care, Senate Probe Finds

Which big health insurance company did lawmakers single out? Is it the one that gives you the most denials trouble? A US Senate probe confirms what many coders and billers have been suspecting all along — that six major medical insurers aren’t spending as much as they should providing actual health care. Insurance industry officials say that [...] Related articles:

  1. Insurers Offer to Charge Sick People Less …… and healthy people more. In an unexpected move last...
  2. $12,910 More Per Year For Health Insurance?Imagine a world where insured patients pay DOUBLE the health...
  3. Stimulus Package Crash Course for Health Care ProvidersIf your head is swimming trying to figure out what...

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Radiology Coding Education: Is 76705 OK for Back?

Question: For a lower back ultrasound of a soft tissue mass, which CPT code is appropriate? Answer: Code 76705 (Ultrasound, abdominal, real time with image documentation; limited [e.g., single organ, quadrant, follow-up]) is appropriate for this lower back ultrasound. Although the code descriptor states “abdominal” and not “back,” CPT Assistant (May 2009) clarifies that 76705 is appropriate [...] Related articles:

  1. New From CPT Assistant: Help with Trunk Ultrasound Coding Do you know exactly what’s in the mediastinum? Your US...
  2. Double Ultrasound Codes Spell Double Trouble With AuditorsAuthorities scrutinize medical necessity for 76830 & 76856. The OIG...
  3. 5 Lessons Radiology Coders Should Learn From CCI 15.3Wonder if there’s a method to the 76001 madness? Here’s...

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Nonphysician Providers & Incident To Checklist

Check state laws PLUS this crucial document. In last week’s Coder’s Cranium, we started a checklist of 3 things you should know to correctly bill for a nonphysician practitioner’s services — and stay compliant. This week, we complete the checklist with advice for items 4, 5 & 6. 4. Have You Distinguished Auxiliary Personnel From NPP Services? NPPs can [...] Related articles:

  1. Nonphysician Providers and Incident-To: Your Coding Questions AnsweredHere’s why you should keep your physicians’ work schedules on...
  2. Use This Incident-To Checklist to Breathe Easy During an Audit You don’t need to second-guess the way you bill...
  3. Steer Your Incident-To Coding Using These 4 Questions 100 percent pay possible if NPP follows internist’s care...

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Neurosugery Coding: 3 Easy Steps Distinguish Between 61790 & 61791

Anatomy know-how points you in the right direction every time. How do you tell the difference between 61790 (Creation of lesion by stereotactic method, percutaneous, by neurolytic agent [e.g., alcohol, thermal, electrical, radiofrequency]; gasserian ganglion) and 61791 (… trigeminal medullary tract)? That’s the question a Neurosurgery Coding Alert reader posed when she wrote, “What is the difference [...] Related articles:

  1. Add $36 to This Excision Claim in 3 StepsPatience is a virtue, particularly when it comes to coding...
  2. 5 Lessons Radiology Coders Should Learn From CCI 15.3Wonder if there’s a method to the 76001 madness? Here’s...
  3. Skull Biopsy, No Burr Hole: 61500 or 61563?Question: Our surgeon biopsied a lesion from the skull, but...

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Ophthalmology Coding: GDX, VF, & Temp Plugs — How Many Modifiers?

Question: A patient came in for a GDX and visual field (VF) tests. During the same visit, the ophthalmologist put in temporary plugs. Can we get paid for all services on the same day? I know the office visit needs a modifier. Do I need to put one on the GDX & VF, too? Answer: Provided the [...] Related articles:

  1. Ophthalmology Coding: RT/LT or Modifier 50? Prevent Uni-Bi Reporting Errors With This Expert Insight Don’t...
  2. CIGNA Opens Black Box: Get Paid With Modifiers 25 & 59 You now have clear-cut policies to apply, including 1...
  3. Ophthalmology Coding: See Your Way to Clear Reimbursement for Eye Exams and Cataract SurgeryChoose the Right E/M or Eye Code to Optimize Reimbursement...

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Pain Management Coding Update: Facet Joint Injection CPT Changes for 2010

Pain management, anesthesia, orthopedic, physiatry & neurology coders get ready for a facet joint codes shift that preps for ICD-10. The 2010 version of CPT attempts to organize the facet joint injection codes by deleting 64470-64476 and debuting 64490- 64495 in their place, as follows: • 64490 — Injection(s), diagnostic or therapeutic agent, paravertebral facet (zygapophyseal) joint (or nerves [...] Related articles:

  1. MAC Auditors Will Stick It To Facet Joint Injection Claims We hook you up with CMS instructions for when...
  2. Audit Hot Spot: Facet Joint Injection ClaimsHere’s why the OIG wants to stick it to facet...
  3. Save Time Coding Facet Injections With This Coding Tool Hint: Location, number and substance are key. Several factors...

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