ICD-10: I42.- Requires More Cardiomyopathy Details Than 425.4 Does

Tip: A diagnosis that falls under an ICD-9 ‘other’ code may have its own ICD-10 code.

Under ICD-9, when the manual doesn’t offer a code specific to your diagnosis, you usually choose one of the catch-all “other specified” codes available, such as 425.4 (Other primary cardiomyopathies). When you start applying ICD-10 codes in October 2013, you may find that your catch-all code has been divided into more specific options. Here’s how the ICD-10 counterparts for 425.4 will look.

ICD-9 coding rules: Cardiomyopathy literally means disease of the heart muscle and can refer to many types of heart disease. ICD-9 offers one code for “other” primary cardiomyopathies: 425.4. It’s appropriate for cardiomyopathy NOS, congestive, constrictive, familial, hypertrophic, idiopathic, nonobstructive, obstructive (but see 425.1 for hypertrophic obstructive), and restrictive. Code 425.4 is also appropriate for cardiovascular collagenosis.

ICD-10 changes: ICD-10 divides your options for “other” cardiomyopathy among three codes:

  • I42.2, Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • I42.5, Other restrictive cardiomyopathy
  • I42.8, Other cardiomyopathies.

Code I42.2 will be appropriate for other cardiomyopathy: hypertrophic, nonobstructive. Code I42.5 will be appropriate for other cardiomyopathy: restrictive, constrictive NOS. Code I42.8 is appropriate for any other cardiomyopathies not listed elsewhere, including newborn and obscure of Africa, as well as cardiovascular collagenosis.

Caution: Check the index and full I42.- range in the tabular list before choosing an “other” code. For example, several of the diagnoses that fall under 425.4 in ICD-9 do not fall under the “other” cardiomyopathy codes in ICD- 10. Specifically, obstructive cardiomyopathy is coded to I42.1 under ICD-10, congestive falls under I42.0, and familial and idiopathic fall under I42.9.

Remember: When ICD-10 goes into effect on Oct. 1, 2013, you should apply the code set and official guidelines in effect for the date of service reported. Learn more at www.cms.gov/ICD10/ and www.cdc.gov/nchs/icd/icd10cm.htm#10update.

Be ready...

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MACs Differ on Response to CMS’s Cardiology Payment Adjustments

Don’t look for a raise just yet, in most cases.

CMS may talk, but MACs don’t always listen — at least not quickly.

As we told you in last week’s Insider, CMS recently corrected several “technical errors” published in the 2010 Fee Schedule, and thanks to these corrections, Medicare will increase payment for several cardiology-related testing codes, including codes 75571-75574 (Heart CT) and 78451-78454 (Heart muscle SPECT imaging).

Although many practices are eager to see the payment boosts in their next Medicare payments, that may be an overly ambitious goal at this point.

“I inquired with a few MAC carriers such as Trailblazer, Noridian, and Palmetto, and was told different things by different Medicare payers,” says Terry Fletcher, BS, CPC, CCS-P, CCS, CMSCS, CCC, CEMS, CMS, CEO of Terry Fletcher Consulting Inc.

“One did not even know there was a change,” she says. “Next, Noridian said that they will be making the adjustments when they get the directive from CMS. And Palmetto said they would need the provider to contact them and then batch retroactive to January the myocardial perfusion imaging claims and send a letter to request the increase,” she says.

Bottom line: Until CMS provides a clear answer to the MACs regarding when they must implement the changes, you may not see your pay increases, but keep an eye on your carrier’s Web site for information on when it intends to reprocess claims using the new rates.

Part B Insider. Editor: Torrey Kim, CPC

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