11400s Max Out With Margin Measurements

Question: If our surgeon removes a sebaceous cyst from the back that measures 2.5 x 1.75 x 0.5 cm, should we add up all the dimensions or should we just use the biggest dimension of 2.5? Is the answer the same if this were a tumor instead of a cyst? An...

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11400s Max Out With Margin Measurements

Question: If our surgeon removes a sebaceous cyst from the back  that measures 2.5 x 1.75 x 0.5 cm, should we add up all the dimensions or should we just use the biggest dimension of 2.5? Is the answer the same if this were a tumor instead of a cyst?

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Ob-gyn Challenge: Take the Pressure Out of a 3D US Coding

No severe problems? You may have trouble with reimbursement. Question: The ob-gyn performed and OB ultrasound (US) on a patient. Can I bill 76376 in addition to the ultrasound if the ob-gyn used 3D? Montana Subscriber Answer: Yes. You can report a 3D procedure with 76805 (Ultrasound, pregnant uterus, real time with image documentation, fetal and maternal evaluation, [...] Related articles:

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