ICD-9 2011: 752.3x, V13, V91 Offer Obs More Anomaly, Status Options

Three scenarios show you where to brush up before Oct. 1 hits.

October 1 means it’s time to apply the new 2011 diagnosis codes affecting your obgyn practice, which include new uterine anomaly, placenta, and personal history diagnoses. Are you ready? Take this challenge to find out.

Add Uterine Anomalies to Your Diagnosis Arsenal

Scenario 1:

A) 752.31

B) 752.33

C) 752.35

D) None of the above.

E) All of the above.

Solution 1: E. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) identified seven types of uterine anomalies: agenesis, unicornuate, didelphus, bicornuate, septate, arcuate, and DES related anomalies. Of these, only didelphus and DES related anomalies have unique ICD-9 codes prior to Oct. 1: 752.2 and 760.76, respectively. For the other anomalies, you have no specific diagnosis recourse.

However, as of Oct. 1, you’ll be able to differentiate between these different types, and payers will translate these codes into specific gynecologic and obstetric implications and management. They are:

  • 752.31 – Agenesis of uterus
  • 752.32 - Hypoplasia of uterus
  • 752.33 – Unicornuate uterus
  • 752.34 – Bicornuate uterus
  • 752.35 – Septate uterus
  • 752.36 – Arcuate uterus
  • 752.39 — Other anomalies of uterus.

Multiple Placentae? Make Use of New Dx

Scenario 2: The ob-gyn delivers dichorionic/diamniotic twins vaginally. After October 1, how should you report this?

A) 59400, 59409-51, 651.01, V91.00, V27.2

B) 59400, 59409-51, 651.01, V91.01, V27.2

C) 59400, 59409-51, 651.01, V91.02, V27.2

D) 59400, 59409-51, 651.01, V91.03, V27.2

E) 59400, 59409-51, 651.01, V91.09, V27.2

Solution 2: D. You would report 59400 (Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery [with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps] and postpartum care) for the first baby and 59409-51 (Vaginal delivery only [with or without episiotomy and/or forceps]; Multiple procedures) for the second. To support these CPT codes, you’d link each to 651.01 (Twin pregnancy; delivered) and...

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